This scent is a drugless, personal way to improve your happiness and
it’s doctor prescribed…by me!”
Dr. Jennifer Berman – The Doctors TV Show

0.2 Moments: Workout EditionJune 23, 2017This just happened in the gym! I was in...
Celebrating Father's Day: So Many 0.2 MomentsJune 17, 2017Fathers create so many 0.2 moments! That is why we...
LA's Jacaranda Trees: 0.2 MomentsMay 28, 2017This rush is happening all over Southern California, from...
Every Sunset: A 0.2 MomentMay 22, 2017Every sunset is a 0.2 moment. When you are...
Lady LibertyApril 28, 2017Symbols of love, peace, faith… Symbols inspire, move, and...